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"Emily's Alone" is the third tale in the fifteenth episode of the eleventh season of The Nosleep Podcast. Written by David Hubbard, it ahs a runtime of 25:20 and was read by Atticus Jackson, Nikolle Doolin, Mike DelGaudio, and David Cummings. It is the 1364th tale overall on the podcast.


A man, apparently a worker at a gas station, sits behind the counter, drinking beer. He is talking on the phone with a woman, although their conversation is ambiguous. At several points, she tells him to go outside and check on someone named Emily. He flips a coin in his hand several times.

The area outside the station is deserted. There is a car wrapped around a tree, although the man doesn't seem bothered by it. While he grabs another beer, the woman calls again and begs him check on Emily. He notices his watch is broken, and the clock on the wall doesn't seem to be moving.

Rock music begins playing loudly over the radio. Though the man attempts to turn it off several times, he is unable to do so. The DJ comes on with a report of an escaped convict who is wanted for a number of murders, before speaking directly to the man, imploring him to check on Emily.

The man becomes disoriented, stumbling around the store and breaking things. He notices the coin he has been flipping is a "100 Days Sober" token from Alcoholics Anonymous. The woman calls again and yells at him to check on Emily. He hears police sirens and becomes panicked. Looking in the station's windows, he realizes he bears a resemblance to the escaped convict.

He steps outside the station and notices his head is bleeding. The woman continues to talk to him as he walks back into the store. There is a different man behind the counter who sells him a bottle of vodka. He finally goes out to the wrecked car, and it is revealed the story's past events have all been a hallucination of the man's, who was involved in a car accident after drunk driving, causing him to wrap his car around the tree. His pregnant wife, Emily, is inside and dying of her injuries.

The woman's identity is now revealed as a 911 call operator, who has been trying to pull him out of his hallucinations. She pleads with him to check on Emily and take care of her wounds. Right when he's finally lucid enough to listen to her instructions, his phone dies.


Atticus Jackson as the man

Nikolle Doolin as the 911 operator

Mike DelGaudio as the DJ

David Cummings as the cashier
